FDP on “Green Manufacturing”
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College successfully concluded a five-day ICT-based Faculty Development Programme on “Green Manufacturing”, from 29th Jan – 2nd Feb 2024 in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh. This achievement aimed at fostering both academic and research growth amongst faculty participants through practical case studies on Green approaches and initiatives towards sustainability in manufacturing domain. A total of 49 faculty participants from renowned Engineering Institutes/Universities registered and actively participated through our AKGEC Remote Center. The active engagement of overall 91 participants from three remote centers and contributions from various speakers from institutes of national eminence, Dr. Pallab Biswas (HOD ME), and local coordinators Dr. Suman Gothwal and Mr. H.S. Chausiya significantly contributed to the program’s success.
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FDP on Complex Netwroks Analysis using Python in Collaboration with NITTTR Chandigarh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted the Faculty Development Program (Short term course in online mode) on the topic “Complex Networks Analysis using Python” at remote center Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ghaziabad in collaboration with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, from 15 January 2024 to 19 January 2024.
A total of 62 participants registered for the FDP. The course covered wide span of the topics: Introduction to Graph Theory and Python, Visualization of Graphs using Network X, Case Study on Biological Network Analysis and Gephi Tool, Beyond Nodes and Edges and Hands-on implementation using Python. The FDP was conducted under esteem guidance of course coordinator Er. Sahno Solanki, Associate Professor, CSE, NITTTR Chandigarh and coordinated by local coordinator Dr Shashank Sahu, Professor CSE, AKGEC and coordinator Dr Santosh Kumar Upadhyay, Associate Professor, CSE AKGEC.
The course was conducted in three sessions and all participants enriched their knowledge by sessions eminent speakers of the FDP. The speakers of the sessions elaborated the topics from beginning to advanced level and showcased the application of the concepts using python programming. FDP was concluded on 19 January 2024 by sharing of feedback and discussion from all participants.

Department of Information Technology, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad has organized a five day Faculty Development Programme on “UNBLOCK BLOCKCHAIN” in online mode from 1-5 August 2022. The FDP programme received an overwhelming response with 94 participants from various Engineering Colleges/ Universities.
The FDP inaugurated on 1st August 2022 at 9:00 AM with the welcome speech of Dr. Anu Chaudhary, HoD IT. Followed by the address of Chief Guest Mr. Satish Chauhan Director Oracle India Pvt Ltd. He motivated FDP participants with his informative and encouraging words. Keynote Address had given by Mr. Ajay Singh, CTO, DLT Labs and welcome speech and vote of thanks by Dr. Aditya Pratap Singh, Associate Professor, IT Department.
Day 1, first session was taken by Dr. Ferdous Ahmed Barbhuiya who is an Associate Professor at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, in the department of Computer Science & Engineering. He is also the Associate Dean of Administration at IIT Guwahati provided excellent, interactive and informative session on Blockchain Technology and its Architecture.
Next session was taken by Dr. Raju Halder an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Comp. Sc. and Engg. at IIT Patna. He had taken the session on Cryptocurrency and its mining process.
Day 2, first session was continued by Dr. Raju Halder, IIT Patna. He took the session on Security aspects of blockchain. He also discussed about the procedure of tamper-proof ledger of transactions in blockchain.
The second session was taken by Dr. P. Raghu Vamsi, Assistant Professor senior grade, JIIT Noida. He delivered his session on Blockchain use cases and he also discussed few case studies and various parameters for selecting blochchain based projects.
Day 3, Dr. P. Raghu Vamsi, JIIT Noida had continued rest of the sessions of day 3. In the first session he discussed about solidity Smart Contracts – Solidity programming, Designing and coding solidity smart contracts. Second session was on building Blockchain Decentralized Applications – Linking Solidity smart contracts to Web Applications.
Day 4, first session was taken by Dr. Amit Singhal, Professor & Head in Department of Computer Science & Engineering (IOT) in Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad. He took the session on Cryptography in Blockchain Technology. He discussed the use of cryptography to protect user privacy and transaction information and ensure data consistency in the blockchain.
Second session was taken by Dr. Anupama Sharma, Associate Professor, IT Department. She discussed the applications and use cases of blockchain in various fields as well as the companies and startups involved in these applications worldwide. Session was continued by Dr. Amrita Jyoti, Assistant Professor, IT Department. She discussed about crowd funding application of blockchain. She had also given hands on experience to the participants on metamask.
Day 5 sessions were taken by Mr. Purushottam Chaudhary, Principal Blockchain Architect at DLT Labs. He provided excellent hands on sessions with making small blockchain applications.
Feedbacks from all the participants were collected for all the sessions. E-certificates were mailed to the participants. FDP was very beneficial for participants, they learnt about the scope of blockchain, security features in blockchain, primitives of the distributed computing and cryptography related to blockchain, they will be able to write smart contract using Ethereum Framework, they may be able to come out with a new idea for smart contract in real-world applications. FDP was successful and participants have gained very good knowledge on blockchain technology.
FDP on Establishment of IDEA (Idea development, Evaluation & Application) Lab
AICTE has launched scheme for the establishment of IDEA (Idea development, Evaluation & Application) Lab in AICTE approved institutions, encouraging students for application of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) fundamentals towards enhanced hands-on learning and learning by doing experience. AKGEC FAB Lab is one of the mentor labs for this IDEA lab scheme.
To take the AICTE initiative forward, AKGEC is organized a five day FDP under AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy to train the coordinators and co-coordinators of newly formed IDEA Labs across the country during 23-27 August, 2021 at AKGEC FAB Lab.
Co-ordinators of IDEA Lab from thirteen States across the country including West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh attended the experienshal FDP characterized by thought provoking discussions and cross fertilization of ideas.
The Inaugural Ceremony of the FDP was held on 23 August, 2021. The Chief Guest for the ceremony was Sh. Rakesh Ranjan, IAS, Hon’ble Additional Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Govt. of India. Dignitaries including Dr. Neeraj Saxena, Advisor, AICTE and Members of National Steering Committee of IDEA Lab also graced the occasion with their presence. The speakers during the Inaugural Ceremony stressed in unison on the urgent need for a transformation in the education paradigm from an examination system to a hands on experience which is the concept behind the establishment of IDEA Labs across the country.

FDP on Emerging Trends of Information Technologies and Its Applications
A five days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Emerging Trends of Information Technologies and Its Applications” was successfully conducted (Online Mode) by the Department of Information Technology, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. FDP was sponsored by AKTU, Lucknow and Conducted during 16th – 20th December 2020.
The main aim of this FDP was to discuss the latest and emerging trends of information technology and its related applications where people could explore new dimensions of research and implementation. This program provided an opportunity to interact with various experts and eminent personnel of reputed institutions (like IITs.,JNU etc.) and Also People from industries (Software Industries) shared their knowledge and experiences with the participants.
This platform enhances the knowledge and encourages the faculty members and researchers working in different areas of information technologies to explore more in these domains. The FDP also focused on different research applications and various unresolved challenges in modern research areas. The FDP programme received an overwhelming response with 72 participants (Registered and Successfully Attended FDP) from various colleges affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow.
The participants have acquired knowledge of the different aspects of designing, planning and delivering different applications and research models for teaching-learning and also about the appropriate developmental tools needed to develop e-content in their respective disciplines.
After successful completion of FDP participants have been given E-certificates.

An online Short Term Training Program (STTP) on “Data Science with Python” sponsored by AICTE was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad in three phases:
• 1st Phase: 2-7 November 2020
• 2nd Phase: 7-12 December 2020
• 3rd Phase: 14-19 December 2020.
Total 147 participants (including all three STTP sessions) from across India attended the STTP and got benefited.
The STTP was conducted as an initiative to enrich the knowledge of faculty members through interaction with eminent personalities and resource persons from various academic institutions. The speakers enriched the knowledge of participants on Current Research Trends in Data Science and its applications. They focused on the importance of this technology in multiple industries including Financial Services, Healthcare, Government, Travel. Sessions also included Machine Learning Algorithms with Data Science. Hands on session on data analytics with python was also conducted. The implementation of advanced Machine Learning models and the various implementations of Data Science in the field of research were also discussed.
For all the sessions of the STTP, feedback from the participants was collected. E-certificates were mailed to the participants. Overall this STTP was beneficial and knowledgeable experience for all the participants to learn about the significance of Data Science and its applications. Besides this the participants gained knowledge in the field of Data Science and its implementation in the real world applications.

FDP on Advancement in Building Technologies
A five day online FDP on Advancement In Building Technologies was organized by Department of Civil Engineering during 10–14 August, 2020. The FDP was conducted as an initiative to enrich the knowledge of faculty members through interaction with eminent resource persons from Industry and Academia.
86 participants from CSIR-CRRI New Delhi, AL-Fallah University, Acupace Technologies Pvt. Ltd., NHPC Ltd., Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Gwalior, IIT Roorkee, IIT Delhi, Manjari Foundation, IIT Kharagpur, NIT Srinagar and other institutes and industry participated in the FDP and got benefited.
The resource persons included Dr. Shishir Chandra Bhaduri, Dean, Bhartiya Skill Development University, Jaipur and Er. A. K. Sharma, Ex. Special DG, CPWD.

FDP on Machine Learning and its Applications using Python
Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College-MCA, Ghaziabad has conducted Online Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning and its Applications using python during 29 June – 3 July 2020.The main objective of conducting this Online FDP is to address the recent trends in the research and applications of machine learning. The idea behind is to aware with the basics concepts of Machine Learning (ML), the implementation of algorithms of ML using Python, working with various libraries required for ML and inspiration for further research.This FDP is also aimed to motivating the faculty members, research scholars and industry professionals to encourage their interests in machine learning technologies. It will enable theoretical and practical understanding of the most popular machine learning tools and techniques applicable in various domains by the eminent speakers.
This online FDP was organized with the collaboration of Consilio Intelligence Research Lab, Noida, UP, UIET- CSJM University, Kanpur, UP & Dr. H. S. Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, MP.
The patron of this FDP was Dr. R. K Agarwal, Director General, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. The chief guest of FDP was Dr. Raghuraj Singh (Professor & Head, Department of CSE, HBTU, Kanpur, UP) and the speakers were Dr. Yamuna Prasad Shukla (Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, IIT, Jammu), Dr. Divakar Yadav (Associate professor, Department of CSE, NIT Hamirpur), Dr. Sarfraj Masood (Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, JMI, New Delhi), Dr. Mansaf Alam (Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, JMI, New Delhi) and Mr. Ghanshyam Jaiswal (Team Leader, HCL, Noida, UP). The experts’ talks included different topics like Basics of Machine Learning with Python, Classification Methods for ML using Python, Implementation of ANN and KNN for classification and regression using Python, ML Algorithm with Clustering and Associations using Python and Case study using Python.
More than 500 participants were shortlisted from more than 1100 registrations to attend the FDP. We got the participation from almost all states of India including Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Rajasthan, Assam, Karnataka, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Many participants were also from others countries like South Korea, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Ethiopia.
FDP on Power System Operation & Its Control
Five day FDP on Power System Operation and its Control was organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering during 13-17 January, 2020.
The resource persons for the FDP were drawn from leading institutes.
Speaker | Topic Delivered |
Dr. Mohit Bansal
Prof. & HOD (EN) G L Bajaj ITM, Greater Noida |
Phase Measurement Unit |
Dr. Amit Jain
Associate Professor (EE) IIT Delhi |
Role of Power Electronics in PSOC |
Dr. J.S. Lather
Professor (EE) NIT Kurukshetra |
DC Micro grid scenario in Power System. |
Load Frequency Control and Active Power Compensation | |
Dr. Omveer Singh
Professor (EE) Gautam Budh University Greater Noida |
Power System Design |
Voltage Stability and its Compensation | |
Dr. Pradeep Kumar
Assistant Professor (EE) NIT Kurukshetra |
Power System Restructuring and Biding |
Economic Operations of Power System | |
Dr. M.P. Dave
Professor (EE) Shiv Nadar |
Decentralized Power Generation System |
The FDP will be of immense use to the participants in expanding their knowledge sphere and delivery to the students. The FDP was participated by 27 faculty members.

Workshop on IPR
Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. There are many types of intellectual property such as copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are the exclusive rights given to persons over the creations of their minds for a certain period of time. IPR plays a key role in gaining advantageous position to promote the economic growth of our nation.
Workshop on IPR was conducted at AKGEC on 12 October, 2019. The resource person, Ms. Shweta Singh, Founder & CEO, Ennoble IP, CEO, Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation, covered the various aspects of IPR including IPR agreement administration, IPR Practices harmonization, the Indian scenario of Intellectual property system and the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, the roles and functions of Intellectual property Office in India, the process of filing the Patent application, Copyright application, Trademark application, Design application and the Scheme for Facilitating Start-ups Intellectual Property Protection.
The informative and interactive session kindle the minds of the attendees through various queries highlighting the importance of documenting ideas properly and patenting them.

AKGEC hosts AICTE workshop on Students Induction Program (SIP)
Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, on behalf of AICTE, organized two day workshop for the Resource Persons of three week Students Induction Program (SIP) to be conducted for B.Tech first year students. The SIP, as per guidelines of AICTE, is primarily to make the students comfortable in the new environment and expose them with various facets of life, with emphasis on holistic approach towards life in the light of Universal Human Values. The objective of this workshop, conducted during 28-29 September, 2019, was to contemplate and strengthen the process and contents of SIP and its effectiveness by virtue of the methods and procedures adopted so far.
The event commenced with the inaugural ceremony graced by eminent functionaries from AICTE & National Coordinator Committee – Induction Program (NCC-IP) – Prof. Rajive Kumar, Member Secretary AICTE; Dr. Manoj Tiwari, Regional Officer NRO – AICTE; Prof. Rajneesh Arora, Chairman NCC-IP and Dr. Shishir Gaur, Convener NCC-IP.
Dr. R.K. Agarwal, Director AKGEC (Host College) welcomed all the dignitaries and 88 delegates from AKTU affiliated colleges and seven different states as participants of the workshop. In his address, Director emphasized value based education for developing holistic perspective and a way of living for the well-being of all. He offered that college resources will be put at the complete disposal of AICTE and NCC-IP for implementation of Universal Human Values and Student Induction programs at all India level.
Prof. Rajneesh Arora projected that the focus of the two day workshop was to review the SIP program and to discuss ideas and proposals for refinement of the program. He expressed his happiness that AICTE has got this scheme implemented on a pan India level in all engineering colleges.
Prof Rajive Kumar, in his address, expressed that AICTE is committed to a full time support in any form and all financial help for effective implementation of program.
Dr. M P Poonia, Vice-Chairman, AICTE also graced the event little late in the afternoon and held a meeting with Director, AKGEC and all the functionaries of AICTE & NCC-IP.

Faculty Development Program on Additive Manufacturing
Department of Mechanical Engineering at Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, organized a three days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Additive Manufacturing from 26th August 2019 to 30th August 2019.
The objectives of the program included technical know-how and hands on experience in the recent trends in Additive Manufacturing like FDM, SLS and other areas of industrial automation, enabling innovation in teaching methods, fostering the learning of new skills and knowledge and upgrading the skill set of the faculty in order to include technological advancement.
The sessions were conducted by eminent Professors from reputed Institutes – Prof. Pulak Mohan Pandey from IIT Delhi, Prof. Sachin Maheshwari from Netaji Subhas University, New Delhi, Prof. Arshad Noor Siddiquee from Jamia Millia Islamia University New Delhi, Prof. Vikas Rastogi from Delhi Technological University, New Delhi and Dr. Rajeev Agrawal from MNIT Jaipur. The speakers shared their valuable knowledge with the participants to enhance their know-how and professional acumen and motivated them to research in the field of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing).
Apart from the class room sessions, the practical exposure was also given to the participants at AKGEC Skills Foundation (ASF) Centres and on the 3-D Printing facilities available in the department of Mechanical Engineering. A good number of faculty members and research scholars from various Engineering institutes participated and penned down a very encouraging feedback on the FDP.

FDP on Current Research Trends in Artificial Neural Networks
Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted five day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Current Research Trends in Artificial Neural Networks during 8 – 12 July, 2019. The FDP, sponsored by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow under TEQIP-III scheme, was conducted as an initiative to enrich the knowledge of faculty members through interaction with eminent resource persons from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida; IIT Jammu and M.M.M. University of Technology, Gorakhpur.
Total 50 participants from Manglayam Institute of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida; Bhagwati Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad; ITS Engineering College, Greater Noida; JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida; ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad; IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad; Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad and Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad attended the FDP and got benefited.