The VE (Value Education) Cell at AKGEC (Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College) has a mission to promote the principles and practices of value education not only within the campus but also beyond its borders. The Cell comprises a team of dedicated and self-motivated members who are well-versed in the field of value education and are capable of conducting online as well as offline Faculty and Staff Development Programs.
The members of the VE Cell are actively involved in conducting various AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) approved FDPs (Faculty Development Programs) in different capacities. These members are experienced resource persons who are capable of delivering value-based content prescribed by AICTE.
The members of the VE Cell serve as Resource Persons, Co-facilitators, and Observers in various AICTE-approved FDPs. As Resource Persons, they are responsible for developing and delivering the sessions on value education. As Co-facilitators, they assist the lead facilitator in conducting the Universal Human Values (UHV) sessions. As Observers, they observe and evaluate the effectiveness of the UHV sessions, identify potential candidates and help resource persons and co-facilitators by giving their feedback on the sessions.
The active involvement of the members of the VE Cell in various AICTE-approved FDPs highlights their commitment to spreading the principles and practices of value education. Their dedication and inclination towards Value Education make them valuable assets to the institution and the society at large.
29 March 2023
On 29th March, 2023 the students of 4th Semester, MBA got the opportunity to attend a guest lecture by Dr. Gopal Babu of Value Education Cell (AKGEC) on the topic “Sambandho Mein Bhaav Ka Mahatav”. The session started with a simple breathing exercise which helped the students to feel more relaxed.
The light was thrown on the importance of connection i.e having a connection with others that is based on feelings and not on the basis of our thoughts. Communication is the vital key to forming connections with those around us. Observation and Conclusion are the key points in understanding the person we are trying to communicate with. In order to show how these two work, we were shown a short role play where the students enacted out roles, and the rest of the students had to figure out and tell whether the characters were communication on the basis of observation or conclusion.
Often, we form opinions/conclusions about others that are irrational on the basis of our past experiences. It is necessary for us to view the situation in the perspective of the present time. Thus, our feelings and how we act upon them are to be taken into consideration as they define our relations with others in the long run.
It was an insightful and a marvelous session, the students enjoyed it thoroughly and we look forward to have many more informative sessions. It was an honour to have Dr. Gopal Babu with us and we are grateful to him for enlightening us with his knowledge.
01-03 March 2023
Three Days Offline UHV Workshop for AICTE Officials
Resource Person: Dr. Kumar Sambhav, UPID Noida
Co-facilitator: Dr. Gopal Babu, AKGEC, Ghaziabad
Venue: Head Office, AICTE, New Delhi Nelson Mandela Marg Vasant Kunj
Participants: AICTE Officials
Dates: 01 – 03 March 2023

02-04 March 2023
Three Days UHV AICTE Approved FDP from 2 – 4 March 2023
Resource Person: Mr. Bihari Nandan Pandey, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Gzb
Duration of the program: 03 days
Venue: United Group of Institutions (UGI), Naini
Participants: Around 50 participants from different technical institutes of Prayagraj and other cities participated in the workshop

23-27 Aug 2022
Five Days offline UHV FDP at RGMCET, Ananthapuramu, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh
Resource Person: Dr. Gopal Babu, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Venue of the workshop: Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous)
Date of the workshop: 23-08-2022 – 27-08-2022
Total number of participants registered: 137
Total number of participants attended: 87

26-30 July 2022
Five Days offline UHV FDP at SSEC, Cheenai
Resource Person: Dr. Gopal Babu, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Venue of the workshop: Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
Date of the workshop: 26th July 2022 – 30th July 2022
Total number of participants registered: 116
Total number of participants attended: 76
Local program Coordinator: Dr. V. Sumathi, Dept. of Mathematics, SSEC, Chennai (Regional Coordinator, Southern Region)