GOONJ the dramatic society of AKGEC representing the college in almost every dramatics domain including NUKKAD NATAK, PLAY, SKIT, MIME, STAND-UP, MONOACT, HINDI DEBATE, AD-MAD and many more. Consequently, Goonj has been victorious in numerous events bringing glory to the College's name.
Dramatics is the learning and observing of various aspects in day to day life and bringing the results in the real world to bring change for the betterment of the society.
Goonj is the dramatics society of Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College which was founded in 2005. Dramatics is based truly on expressions whether it is for words or for acting. Goonj takes part in various fields of drama and has excelled in them. Nukkad natak is one of their main domain. They have always chosen burning social issues and been the mirror to the society. Apart from nukkad natak, they enthusiastically take part in stage plays, debate, skits, mime, monoact and many others. It is an actor’s job to grasp the full significance of life and this society truly proves it right.
THOMSO’24 in IIT Roorkee on 04-06 October 2024
We are elated to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our talented students who brought immense pride to our institution through their participation in renowned events such as Thomso’24 (IIT Roorkee). Congratulations to all students and mentors for their exceptional accomplishments that epitomize brilliance, teamwork, and passion for excellence!

A `22’ members team of Goonj Society had participated in IIM Lucknow on 9th & 11th Feb 2023 and the following events held there:
(a) Halla Bol (Mono – acting)
(b) Antarnad (Stage Play)
Shubham Jha (3rd Year) did a mono-act based on “Therapy session of a mentally ill person” whereas Megha Jain (2nd Year) performed a mono-act based on “Revenge taken by a mother for injustice to her daughter”. Megha Jain was adjudged 1st runners up for fresh script and great acting whereas Shubham Jha got a special mention for excellent acting. Mono act competition was judged by Sh. Mir Sarwar, an actor director of repute (Bajranngi Bhaiijaan), JollyLLB2, The Family Man).
In the stage play category (Antarnaad) our play `Anbhigya’ was based upon the “Behavior of people towards HIV positive patients and the myths about the HIV AIDS”. It was one of the most realistic and practical play among all the participants, with a great concluded moral value. When results of about 10 participating teams from various prestigious college / institutes were announced, our team bagged 2nd prize and 1st prize was won by SRCC (DU). The judgment was based upon the direction, screenplay, dialogue delivery, makeup-costume and time limit. Our play got full points in use of props and music, great acting & clarity in dialogue delivery. The play was judged by Saurabh Sachdeva, Actor & Actor Coach (Good Luck, Jerry, Housefull 4, Vadh).
Team Goonj had participated in three events (monoact, open mic and film making) in “Unifest 2022” at Galgotia Engineering College held on 11th and 12th April 2022. Most of the renowned colleges of Ghaziabad and Noida had also participated in the festival.
Team Goonj performed exceptionally well. Shubham Jha (2nd year CSE AIML) bagged second prize in mono act. He was presented with a certificate and a cash prize of INR 700/.
Continuing with the winning performance, team Goonj also won first prize in film making competition (subject : Daily routine of a college student). Team was awarded with certificate and cash prize. The filming students who won laurels were kanishk Deshwal (4th yr EC) , Lakshya Sharma (4th yr EC), Vishal Kumar (2nd yr, CSE), Devanshi Singhal (2nd yr, EN), Shubham Jha (2nd year CSE AIML), Shivam Middha (2nd year CSE).
Team had also presented a play ( “Ek affwah” based on the mob lynching of sadhus in Palghar , Maharastra ). The play was highly applauded by the audience.

JPS Society program :- Organised by JPS cultural society of Ghaziabad. The team was invited to perform a Play titled ‘MAZHAB’ which was based on the life of a soldier. The play was very well appreciated by the audience and also by the Chief Guest Retd. General V.K. Singh.
IIT-D Cultural fest ‘RENDEZVOUS’ :- The team participated in MIME, short movie and monoact competitions. Student Divyanshu Trivedi participated in the Mono-Act Competition and was among the final 12, again amongst prestigious colleges in the field of dramatics.
IIT-ROORKEE Cultural fest ‘THOMSO’ :- Organised in the month of October every year, The team participated in various competitions. The Nukkad-Natak performed was in the Final 6 and was very well appreciated by one and all. They were in the final round of Short movie Competition as well.
ZONALS Literary and Management :- Organised by AKTU in the month of September, the fest includes ad-mad competition in which a team had to prepare a short ADVERTISEMENT of about 3 minutes. The team performed an AD about a Restaurant and were 2nd at the zonals. Student Shubhangi Singh participated in the Hindi Debate competition and stood 2nd in the Zonals, later representing Ghaziabad at State level in Lucknow.
ABES Cultural fest ‘GENERO’ :- Organised by ABES in October of every year, the team performed a NUKKAD-NATAK ‘YUVA’ which was based on today’s condition of Youth and stood 1st in the competition. They maintained the streak by winning consecutively for 4 years.
PULSE :- Organised by AIIMS in the month of September 2016, it is the annual Socio-Cultural fest. The team performed a play titled ‘MAKHTUB’ based on the life of a person who is accidently arrested by police for being a terrorist.
IIT-D Cultural fest ‘RENDEZVOUS’ :- Organised in October of every year, the team participated in theatrical play, mime and short movie competitions. They stood 3rd in Mime competition, among prominent IITs and Delhi University colleges.
ZONALS Art and Cultural Fest :- Organised by AKTU in November 2016, the team performed a Skit named ‘GURU’ which was based on the Teachers and stood 2nd in the zonals.
GALGOTIA University Cultural Fest ‘G-Quasar’ :- Organised by GALGOTIA University in the month of March 2016, the team performed Nukkad-Natak ‘YUVA’ and stood 2nd in the competition, beating top DU colleges and were appreciated by the judges, who were from The National School of Drama.
Besides these, GOONJ also organises Intra college Hindi Debate Competition ‘BIGUL’ in which students debate on various Socio-Political topics.
GOONJ also organises Intra college competition ‘MUSHAYARA’, in association with FOOTPRINTS, in which students recites their poems, shayaris and ghazals.