Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 120

MCA strives for excellence and has been consistently maintaining excellent academic results and placements. It is a matter of pride for the department to maintain a superlative overall academic performance over the years. MCA achieved 1st position in the University merit list in 2022-23. In the year 2018-19, MCA achieved seventh position in the University merit list. The department achieved unbeatable distinction of 6 positions with Gold and Bronze medals in the year 2017-18. Two positions were bagged in 2016-17 and 2015-16 each, three positions with Gold medal 2014-15 and similar stupendous results in previous years as well.

The department has excellent infrastructure with well-planned class rooms and spacious laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art teaching aids. The laboratories have sufficient latest computers and relevant licensed software. State-of-the-art computing facilities networked through broadband are available for Internet access. The department has a fully automated central library equipped with text and reference books, national/international journals including e-journals and multimedia resources.

Intellectual property, which is reflected by the caliber of faculty, is a strong point for MCA. HOD, Dr. B. K. Sharma, is a MCA from JNU, New Delhi, M.Tech. from IP University, Delhi and Ph.D. from Shobhit University, Meerut. The faculty are well qualified and experienced. With such a strong intellectual capital, the department fosters and encourages a teaching methodology that has both a theoretical and practical approach.

Vision & Mission

To produce technically competent and socially responsible computer professionals to serve society with value system and having capability to handle future challenges.
To excel students in the field of computer applications to meet dynamic industry requirements with professional ethics.

PEOs, POs and PSOs


PEO 1.
PREPARATION: To guide students to complete their post graduates course and prepare them industry ready.

PEO 2.
CORE COMPETENCE: To make them competent to handle mathematical, analytical, financial and computer application tools for different applications of computer science and technology.

PEO 3.
BREADTH: To make them able to understand a broad range of topics to analyze, design and create novel products and solution for real life technical and organizational problems.

PEO 4.
PROFESSIONALISM: To inculcate professional and ethical attitude, communication skill and multi disciplinary approach

PEO 5.
LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: To provide academic environment with excellence, leadership and guidelines.


PO 1.
Apply the knowledge of mathematics & computer based techniques to achieve feasible solution to the problems of computer applications domain.

PO 2.
Identify & formulate complex computer based problems meeting valid conclusions using mathematics and computing science domains through research methodology.

PO 3.
Design and obtain solutions for complex computer based problems and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet requirements with due consideration to society and environment.

PO 4.
To provide valid conclusions using research based knowledge and various research methods.

PO 5.
To learn modern latest techniques, tools and practices with their limitations for the process of software development.

PO 6.
To make students understand and commit to the norms of professional computing practices, professionals ethics and cyber regulations.

PO 7.
To develop the habit of self learning for continued career development to grow as IT professional.

PO 8.
To make students understand and apply computing & management principles as a team member or a leader to manage software projects.

PO 9.
To develop communication & professional skills to effectively conceive, design and develop software applications and associated practices.

PO 10.
To understand and analyze the responsibilities regarding society and environment in local and global contexts relevant to professional computing practices.

PO 11.
To infuse the ability to function effectively as a team member or a leader in multi
disciplinary environments.

PO 12.
To help students to identify opportunities to be a successful entrepreneur by adopting innovation skills.


PSO 1.
Understand & apply knowledge on analysis, design and development of applications in the field of computer science and its related disciplines.

PSO 2.
Develop ability to utilize modern technologies, platforms and knowledge for computing practices in innovative carrier path with commitment towards society.


Department of MCA is headed by Dr. Birendra Kumar Sharma. He is having 22+ years of experience of Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad. He has joined this organization as Lecturer on 01 July 2000 and was promoted as a Sr. Lecturer on 01 August 2004, as Assistant professor on 20 February 2006 and as Professor on 01 January 2013. He is heading the department since 18 July 2018 and UBA coordinator at college level since January 2019.

He has obtained his MCA degree from JNU, New Delhi, M.Tech. from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi and Ph.D. from Shobhit University, Meerut. His areas of specializations are Digital Watermarking, Steganography & IPR, Discrete Mathematics, Theory of computation. During his academic career he has published 12 books for UG & PG students of Engineering / Professional courses like Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Computation, Computer concepts and programming in C etc. and more than 25 research papers in International/National Journals/Conferences. He was Dean hostel in the college from December 2015 to July 2018.

He is also supervising the Ph.D. scholars and under his supervision 03 students have been awarded Ph.D. degree & 04 are in process.

Dr. Birendra Kumar Sharma
MCA, M.Tech, Ph.D

MCA Faculty

Faculty at AKGEC fulfil multiple roles as educators, researchers and professionals having a broad range of backgrounds, scholarly interests and areas of expertise thereby bringing substantial achievement in professional practice and research into the classroom.

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Adequate and Well Equipped Laboratories of MCA Department

1. The department has the adequate number of laboratories as per requirement (strength of students in the department and number of labs / practical courses mentioned in syllabus scheme of the university (AKTU, Lucknow).

2. These laboratories are fully equipped with equipment and consumables.

3. These labs have all the basic as well as advanced level facilities to fulfill the requirements of PG level courses.

4. These laboratories are utilized by the students and faculty members of the MCA department for performing the practical experiments, doing the Project Work and Research Activities (R & D).

5. Adequate Budget is planned and expenditure is done from the allocated fund to ensure the repairing of faulty equipment, purchase of consumables, lab equipment.

The department is equipped with the following labs (for Odd and Even Semesters)

  • 1. Problem Solving using C Lab
  • 2. Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • 3. DBMS Lab
  • 4. Data Structures & Analysis of Algorithms Lab<
  • 5. Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • 6. Software Engineering Lab
  • 7. Project Lab
  • 8. Computer Organization Lab

Programming Lab (C, Java, Python)

Lab Coordinator: Dr. Neeraj Pratap
Lab Assistant: Mr. Jai Prakash Panwar
No. of Systems: 30

Software Engineering & DBMS Lab

Lab Coordinator: Dr. Neeraj Pratap
Lab Assistant: Mr. Jai Prakash Panwar
No. of Systems: 30

Departmental Activities

Departmental Society

Parivridhi is the Departmental Society of Master of Computer Applications Department.

Department Archives
