B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering 180
B. Tech. Computer Science 150
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) 120
B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) 60
B. Tech. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 60
M. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering 18
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at AKGEC was formed in 1998 with inception of the college. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by excellence in teaching. Ever since its inception, the department has been a pioneering academic centre for higher education, research, and innovation in key areas of Computer Science. The department provides full support to MTech. scholars in terms dissertation guidance, lab facilities and access to international and national journals.
Experienced and senior faculty members are assigned for MTech courses and dissertation work of the scholars. The faculty members and M Tech scholars have published good quality research papers in peer-reviewed and indexed journals and International Conferences in the previous years.
Vision & Mission
PEOs, POs and PSOs
Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of CSE Department
PEO 1.
The graduates of CSE will have a strong foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problem in their career.
PEO 2.
The graduates of CSE will have the ability to analyse the requirements, understand the technical specifications and design the engineering solutions by applying computer science theory and principles.
PEO 3.
The graduates of CSE will have exposure to work as teams on emerging cutting edge technologies with effective communication skills and leadership qualities.
PEO 4.
The graduates of CSE will have successful career by engaging in life long learning.
PEO 5.
The graduates of CSE will have skills to work collaboratively on multidisciplinary projects and exhibit high level of professional and ethical values.
Updated Program Outcomes (PO) of CSE Department w.e.f. Session 2017-18
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO 1.
Engineering knowledge :- Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex Computer Science & Engineering problems.
PO 2.
Problem analysis :- Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3.
Design/development of solutions :- Design solutions for complex Computer Science & Engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4.
Conduct investigations of complex problems :- Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5.
Modern tool usage :- Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex Computer Science & engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6.
The engineer and society :- Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7.
Environment and sustainability :- Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO 8.
Ethics :- Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9.
Individual and team work :- Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10.
Communication :- Communicate effectively on complex Computer Science & engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11.
Project management and finance :- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12.
Life-long learning :- Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological changes in the field of Computer Science.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) w.e.f. Session 2016-17
PSO 1.
Ability to exhibit analytical & logical skills and apply knowledge of Maths and Computer Science to design, develop, test and maintenance of software solutions.
PSO 2.
Ability to identify, formulate and resolve real life/social problems by using current computer technology.
Dr. Anu Chaudhary, is a Professor and Head at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He has an extensive background in both academia and industry, with over 22 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Gurukul Kangari University, Hardwar (U.K) India, specializing in the field of “Performance Evaluation of High Speed Data Networks." He also has an M. Tech in Computer Science from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra Ranchi, and an MCA from the University of Madras. Dr. Chaudhary has made notable contributions to research, having published more than 20 research papers in both international and national journals and conferences. He holds 6 patents at the national level. His academic engagement includes guiding Ph.D. scholars, as well as supervising numerous M.Tech, MCA, and B.Tech projects. Dr. Chaudhary current area of research is in the field of High Speed Data Networks, Machine Learning, Data Science and related domains.
He's an active participant in the academic community, serving on editorial and reviewer boards of various national and international journals. He has also taken on leadership roles by chairing multiple national and international conferences. Dr. Chaudhary is a member of several technical societies, including the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) and the Computer Society of India (CSI).

8527976204 (M)
hodcse@akgec.ac.in, chaudharyanu@akgec.ac.in, getanuchaudhary@yahoo.com, dr.anuchaudhary@gmail.com
CSE Faculty
Faculty at AKGEC fulfil multiple roles as educators, researchers and professionals having a broad range of backgrounds, scholarly interests and areas of expertise thereby bringing substantial achievement in professional practice and research into the classroom.
Python Language
Programming Lab
Engineering Lab
C programming
System Lab
Web Technology
Network Lab
M. Tech.
Adequate and Well Equipped Laboratories of CSE Department
1. The department has adequate number of laboratories as per requirement (strength of students in the department and number of labs / practical courses mentioned in syllabus scheme of university (AKTU, Lucknow).
2. These laboratories are fully equipped with hardware kits / equipment’s, software tools and consumables.
3. These labs have all the basic as well as advanced level facilities to fulfil the requirements of UG, PG and PhD level courses.
4. These laboratories are utilized by the students and faculty members of CSE department for performing the practical experiments, doing the Project Work and Research Activities (R & D).
5. One dedicated lab staff member is always present in each lab room (responsibility of each lab room has been assigned to a particular lab staff).
6. Adequate Budget is planned and expenditure is done from the allocated fund to ensure the repairing of faulty equipment’s, purchase of consumables, lab equipment’s / hardware kits and software tools.
The department is equipped with the following labs (for Odd and Even Semesters)
B. Tech. (CSE)
1. Data Structures using C / Java Lab
2. Artificial Intelligence Lab
3. Computer Graphics Lab
4. Database Management System Lab
5. Principle of Programming Languages Lab
6. Python Language Programming Lab
7. Programming for Problem Solving Lab
8. Design & Analysis of Algorithm Lab
9. Web Technology Lab
10. Operating System Lab
11. Mini Project Lab
12. Compiler Design Lab
13. Discrete Structures & Logic Lab
14. Computer Networks Lab
15. Project Lab
16. Distributed System Lab
17. Data Ware housing & Data Mining Lab
18. Computer Organization Lab
M. Tech (CSE)
1. Foundation of Computer Science Lab
2. Advanced Algorithms Lab
3. Wireless & Mobile Networks Lab
Laboratories are the most important part of engineering institutions. Students need to learn engineering concepts practically. With fast growing computer science field, students need to perform more innovative and quality experiments in addition to their curriculum. Keeping in view the above aspect and to make the laboratories more useful for students by creating new facilities and innovations, following faculty members are nominated as Lab-Incharges of the labs for Even Sem- 2022-23:
CSE Lab 1 | Mr. Vishal Choudhary | Mr. Sanjeev Kumar |
CSE Lab 2 | Mr. Anurag Gupta | Mr. Sanjeev Kumar |
CSE Lab 3 | Ms. Ayushi Gupta | Mr. Man Prakash |
CSE Lab 4 | Dr. Shashank Sahu | Mr. Sunder Singh |
CSE Lab 5 | Mr. Sandeep Yadav | Mr. Hemant Kumar Pathak |
CSE Lab 6 | Mr. Anuj Kumar | Mr. Hemant Kumar Pathak |
CSE Lab 7 | Dr. Sonam Gupta | Mr. Sunil Kumar Jha |
Project Lab | Mr. Akhilesh Verma | Mr. Ravi Dutt |
Computer Center -1 | Dr. Sachin Kumar | Mr. Sandeep Sharma |
Facilities available in CSE Department Laboratories
S.No. | Name of the Laboratory / Lab Venue | Lab Courses being Conducted for B. Tech. CSE (both Odd and Even Semester) |
No. of Students per Setup (Batch Size) |
Name of the Important Equipment/Tool
1. |
CSE LAB 1 Data Structure Lab and Computer Graphics Lab |
KCS-351 (Data Structures using C / Java Lab), Artificial Intelligence Lab (RCS-752), Computer Graphics Lab (RCS-653), |
28-32 Students per Groupin a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 35 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.00 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 2. 01 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.40 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Turbo C++ 3.0 2. Swi Prolog 6.0 3. Canon-Printer |
2. |
CSE LAB 2 DBMS Lab and Python Lab |
Database Management System Lab (RCS-551), Principle of Programming Languages Lab (RCS-553), Python Language Programming Lab (KCS-453) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 37 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 2.90 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Oracle 9i 2. My SQl 5.1 3. Lispwork Personal 6.0 4. Swi Prolog 6.0 5. Python 3.8.1 6. Canon Printer |
3. |
CSE LAB 3 Basic Application Development Lab and C programming Lab |
Programming for Problem Solving Lab (KCS-151/KCS-251) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 30 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.00 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 2. 07 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.40 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Turbo C++ 3.0 2. HP-Printer |
4. |
CSE LAB 4 Algorithm Lab and Operating System Lab |
Design & Analysis of Algorithm Lab (RCS-552), Web Technology Lab (RCS-554), Operating System Lab (KCS-451) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 37 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.0 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Turbo C++ 3.0 2. Java 8.0 3. Netbeans 8.0 4. Canon-Printer |
5. |
CSE LAB 5 Mini Project Lab and Compiler Design Lab |
Mini Project (KCS-354), Compiler Design Lab (RCS-652) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 37 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.10 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. GCC 4.6.3 2. JDK 1.6 3. Python 3.8.1 4. HP-Printer |
6. |
CSE LAB 6 Discrete Structures Lab and Computer Networks Lab |
Discrete Structures & Logic Lab (KCS-353), Computer Networks Lab (RCS-651) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 25 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.10 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 2. 12 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 2.90 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. SWI Prolog 7.4.2 2. GCC 4.6.3 3. Cisco Packet Tracer 6.1.1 4. HP-Printer |
7. | PROJECT LAB | Project Lab (RCS-754/RCS-852), Distributed System Lab (RCS-751), Data Ware housing & Data Mining Lab (RCS-654) |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 08 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.0 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 2. 11 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.0 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 3. 01 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.10 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 4. 03 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 2.90 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 5. 10 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.40 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Visual Studio 2010 2. Matlab R2016B(05 User) 3. Turbo C++ 3.0 4. JDK 7 5. Python 3.8.1 6. Talend 6.4.1 7. My SQL 5.1 8. Weka 3.6.9 9. HP-Printer |
8. | R&D LAB Computer Oraganization Lab |
Computer Organization Lab (KCS-352) For R & D work being done by faculty members |
28-32 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 36 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.10 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Logic Gate Simulator 1.4 2. HP-Printer |
9. | CSE LAB 7 M.Tech(CSE) | Foundation of Computer Science Lab (MTCS-151), Advanced Algorithms Lab (MTCS-152), Wireless & Mobile Networks Lab (MTCS-251) |
18 Students per Group in a Batch of 01 student per Computer for Programming and Simulation based work |
Computer Systems with configurations as- 1. 01 Desktop Computers: Core i5-Intel CPU 3.00 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive 2. 36 Desktop Computers: Core i3-Intel CPU 3.40 Ghz RAM Size: 2GB 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Software Tools & Kits: 1. Turbo C++ 3.0 2. JFLAP 7.1 3. My SQL 5.1 4. JDK 8 5. Cisco Packet Tracer 6.1.1 6. Wireshark 3.2.5 7. HP-Printer |
Detail of Technical Manpower Support available in CSE Department Laboratories
S.No | Name of Lab Staff | Designation | Qualification |
Date of Joining (DOJ) and Total Working Experience (in Years) |
Laboratory Courses Assigned / Labs being handled/Area of Expertise |
1 | Sunil Kr.Jha | Lab Assistant | B.Sc(Hons) / Diploma in Computer Application & C.C.N.A Training |
7/2/2001 and 23 Years |
Computer Centre Lab |
2 | Ravi Dutt | Lab Assistant | M.C.A ,Diploma in Electronics/ One Year Advance Diploma in Computer Software,MCP | 1/4/2006 and 32 Years | Project Lab, Distributed System Lab,Data Ware housing & Data Mining Lab |
3 | Lokesh Kumar | Lab Assistant | M.Sc(IT)/ One Year Advance Diploma in Hardware and Networking,C.C.N.A | 15/01/2009 and 13 Years | Data Structures using C / Java Lab,Artificial Intelligence Lab, Computer Graphics Lab, Database Management System Lab,Principle of Programming Languages Lab, Python Language Programming Lab |
4 | HemantKr. Pathak | Lab Assistant | M.C.A/ CIC,CAC,DTP | 1/9/2010 and 20 Years | Computer Organization Lab |
5 | Abhishek | Lab Assistant | B.Sc(IT), M.C.A/ M.C.S.E,C.C.N.A,One Year Advance Diploma in Hardware and Networking | 7/2/2011 and 16 Years | Mini Project Lab, Compiler Design Lab, Discrete Structures & Logic Lab, Computer Networks Lab |
7 | Yogendra Singh | Lab Assistant | M.B.A/ Diploma in System Administrator,CCC Certification | 20/01/2016 and 13 Years | Programming for Problem Solving Lab, Design & Analysis of Algorithm Lab, Web Technology Lab, Operating System Lab |
8 | Yogesh Kumar | Lab Assistant | B.A/ Advance Diploma in Hardware & Networking | 02/08/2016 and 12 Years | Foundation of Computer Science Lab, Advanced Algorithms Lab, Wireless & Mobile Networks Lab |
Training | Date | Resource Organization |
Staff Development Programme (Python Programming Language) | 02 -07 July,2020 | Dr.Pritima Singh, Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Mr. Vinayak Parashar |
Staff Development Programme (Java) | 15-19 July,2020 | Dr. Sonam Gupta Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Staff Development Programme (DBMS) |
18-22 June,2018 | Dr. Arun Kumar Yadav Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Staff Development Programme | 14-16 October,2017 | Mr. Upendra Singh Chauhan (CCNA, CCNP), Trainer of Micothlab Pvt. Ltd |
Computer Networks | 10-15 July 2017 | Ms. Neeti Pahuja and Ms. Deepti Singh Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Android Workshop | 19 February 2016 | Aptron Solutions Pvt. Ltd. |
Advance Programming in C Language | 14-19 December 2015 | Dr. Sachin Kumar, Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
C Programming | 07-24 July 2015 | Dr. Sachin Kumar, Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Linux | 22-26 June 2015 | Mr. Abhishek, Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) | 15-16 May 2015 |
AKGEC-TIFAC-Core, Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Open Source Software KOHA | 11-13 May 2015 | Mr. Arun Kumar Yadav, Department of CSE,AKGEC,Ghaziabad |
Utilization and Ambience of CSE Department Laboratories through Photographs
Departmental Activities
Faculties and students of CSE department are involved in path-breaking research and development activities. They follows the key ethical principles that should underlie the research endeavor. Researchers here take on real time problems, think innovatively and bring in novel solutions, to advance knowledge and make meaningful contribution to the society.
Departmental Society
Conatus is the Departmental Society of Computer Science and Engineering Department.