The Communication Club of the Electronics and Communication Department is guided by two dedicated faculty coordinators, Ms. Ankita Sharma and Ms. Prachi Agarwal, who ensure the smooth functioning of the club. The club currently has 27 students as active members, contributing enthusiastically to various activities and events. It serves as a platform for students to enhance their technical knowledge, communication skills, and teamwork through participation in workshops, seminars, and technical projects. The club aims to foster innovation and collaboration among its members while promoting a culture of learning within the department.



Shreya Vidyarthi

(3rd  year)

Presentation on Gender Equality in Sustainable

Development Goals organized by VE cell.

2nd  Position
Tejash Yadav (3rd  year) He Represented Team Aqua Alert in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow. Top 20 (in India)
Nirmit Varshney (2nd  year) He Represented Digital Lock Stimulation and also gave Presentation on Suhana Chulha inspired by Mission Mangal. 1st  Position in both
Prince Yadav (2nd  year) He Represented Smart Gas detection and Fire detection Alarm System and also gave Presentation on Sustainable Development Goals. 2nd Position in Project & 1st  in Presentation
Mohak Sharma (2nd  year) He Represented Digital Lock Stimulation. 1st  Position


Talk on “RF Energy Harvesting”
(Organized by Communication Club, ECE Department)
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at AKGEC is pleased to announce the success of the recent event “A Technical Talk" on “RF Energy Harvesting" which the Communication Club hosted on 16th May 2024. The talk on RF energy harvesting had about 55 passionate attendees. Mr. Shailendra Singh Ojha, Assistant Professor ECE, was the speaker. This event’s objective was to offer students a comprehensive understanding of the recent developments in RF energy harvesting technology and their practical uses. The attendees actively interacted with the speaker, asking queries on the practicality, expandability, and future potential of RF energy harvesting. The discussions revolved around the incorporation of RF harvesting with other forms of renewable energy and the possible research prospects for students. The RF Energy Harvesting talk successfully broadened the participants' understanding of cutting-edge technologies in wireless energy transfer. It motivated students to delve deeper into this pioneering discipline and contemplate its potential uses in their next projects and research pursuits.

Group members: Saivya Singh,Vishal Rai, Mohasin Masood
Details: The Communication Club organized a seminar “CONNECT-FABRICATION IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS’’. The seminar covered the basics of fabrication technologies adopted in the communication sector. 2nd year students from ECE and EN branches were the primary audience of the seminar. The seminar was quite interactive and settled a lot of doubts and misconceptions of the audience regarding the state-of-the-art technologies in ECE fabrication systems. A total of 30 students who participated in the seminar were awarded with participation certificates.

(i)Event: Eyrc (e-yantra robotics competition)
Group members:SaivyaSingh,Vishal Rai, Mohasin Masood
Dates: Sept 2021-March 2022
Status: Successfully completed initial two tasks.

(ii) Event: Webinaron Smart Building Automation Using IOT
Group members : 12 IV year and 05 III Year students gave this webinar on google meet platform.
Date: 11 July 2021.
Status: successfully provided a webinar to students.

Event Dates Report
Project Work: Office Automation 25 October, 2019 Project Abstract
Paper presentation in Departmental National Conference: National Conference of Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication ,2019 5-6 February, 2019 Presented Paper
Survey: Phone is SMART, are YOU….? 24 -28 September, 2018 Survey Report