Twenty-five teams registered for ACM-ICPC 2020 for Kanpur, Amritapuri and Gwalior-Pune regional online exams.
Every team consisted of 03 students (from 2nd, 3rd or 4th year) as contestants.
First-round online exam, same for all regions, was conducted at CodeChef Platform on 18.10.2019.
One team qualified online exam and participated in Regional Onsite Contest at UIET, CSJM University, Kanpur on 30th & 31st December, 2019.
Sr. No. | Name | Roll No | Branch | Year |
1 | Sachin Yadav | 1602710118 | CSE | IV |
2 | Sagar Gupta | 1602710119 | CSE | IV |
3 | Ayush Tiwari | 1602710036 | CSE | IV |
Faculty Mentor of this team: Mr. Vikas Kamra, Assistant Professor, CSE Department.